À propos
Langues parlées : English, German, Spanish
Informations pratiques
- Confort Wifi, Frezzer, Includes sheets and linen, Oven, Private washing machine, Dishwasher, Private tumble dryer, Colour TV, Sauna - Jacuzzi
- Équipements Cycles available
- Services Cycle shed, Cleaning / Housework
- Descriptif Barbecue, Air-conditioning, Kitchen, Separate entrance, Floor, Own garden, Private car park, Private bathroom, Private bathroom, Lounge, Garden furniture, Private toilet, Enclosed property, Terrace / Balcony, Separate toilet
- Activités Footpath
- Number of people 12
- Number of bedrooms 4
- Number of single beds 6
- Number of double beds 5
- Number of cots 1
- Surface area (sq. metres) 170
Tarifs & paiement
- Peak season 1350€
- School holidays 1650€
- Weekends (excluding school holidays) 850€
- Mid-week 750€
Accès & contact
22 Rue Fortier
Chercher un itinéraire 88110 CELLES SUR PLAINE