Historic monument or place to visit


Historic monument or place to visit


    À propos

      "In 640, Gondelbert did not imagine that its monastery would become a powerful Benedictine Abbey of Lorraine, coveted by kings, lords and bishops until the French Revolution. Today, visitors can still take a walk in the grand court, the cloister or the garden and admire the stairway of honour, the abbey palace and the huge library of this remarkable18th century architectural complex.
      In the heart of the town, the abbey of Senones can be discovered all year round, either independently or with a guide and visits are available for groups by appointment.


      Informations pratiques

      • Équipements Toilets, German
      • Activités Concerts

      Tarifs & paiement

      • Modes de paiement : Bank and GIRO cheques, Cash